Friday 18 January 2008

Here comes the rain again...

...Falling on my head like a memory...

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. It was all going so well as well.

The bad news folks is I'm fearing the worst: Plot62 may well be drowning again.

I visited the plot a couple of days ago to check on the adjacent stream and it was doing ok but yesterday and today have seen the fields starting to flood. It just hasn't stopped raining for days and what with the saturated ground rivers are bursting their banks everywhere. The tell tale signs were there that water was high when I couldn't use my normal 'across the fields' route. Even a diversion I use was flooded meaning I had to remove my socks and shoes riding my bike through a huge puddle!

Still it could be worse. The ground is bare so no lost crops and theres still a few weeks before I want to plant. I'm popping down later to have a look and I have my camera so I'll post some pictures.

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