Monday, 25 February 2008

2008: Ready, get set, go!

Its been a while since I last posted and thankfully the flood didn't have the impact I thought it would. The plot definitely flooded but no more than a couple of inches deep. I've visited the plot a few times in the last couple of weeks and am pleased to report its all dried up and no harm done. If anything its kick started my grass into action!

So the days are getting longer, the sun warmer - it must be time to start planting! So far I've bought about half of my seeds and the order for the other half was sent in the post this weekend. I started my onions and leeks a couple of weeks ago. he onions were sets and I hadn't realised they were getting a touch mouldy so I planted them in cells and they are nicely tucked up in the greenhouse. They'll be planted out in the next few weeks.

With my leeks I'm trying a new technique. Basically I'm trying to growth in close quarters for the first few months. I have a couple of 8" pots and I've sow roughtly 30 seeds in each. The leeks will stay in these until pencil thick before transplanting on. Although the roots will get bound apparently its fine to trim them right back when planting on.

This weekend also saw the sowing of tomatos. These will be kept on the kitchen window sill for the next few weeks because of the cold and should come through in a couple of weeks. I'm trying peat pots with these (biodegradable pots that you just plant straight into the soil). 18 gardeners delight and 18 tamina (moneymaker size) so its a good job I like toms!! The usual will go in the greenhouse and the rest on the allotment. I think outdoor tomatos can be difficult because of blight but its worth a try. Might put a few in the garden too.

So thats the seeds but I've also been preparing the plot. Grass paths are almost finished and a bit more seed will see the job done. As I mentioned earlier the existing grass is superb and has really taken well. Not only does it stop claggy boots but it makes the plot look so more professional and orderly. Next jobs are to start preparing the beds. They really need a full dig and fine comb. There are still so many weed roots following last year these must be removed as a priority. I had a quick try of a soil sieve which worked well to a point. The seive is too fine for general use and I was finding half the content left in the basket! Its definitelt the way forward and I'll have to make a coarse version. This can be kept for compost.

So thats it for now. No pictures but I'll get some added. Oh yes potatos are chitting nicely in the garage by the window. I thought I'd try a few varities so grabbed a few bags (1st, 2nd and maincrop). Its only when you see how many there you realise we've enough to feed a (small) army! So at this rate it looks like a summer of chips and ketchup...

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