Sunday 13 May 2007

Rabbit proof fence

Saturday the 12th was a big day down on the plot. I knew I had all day to spare and the weather was going to be ok, maybe a few showers, but generally overcast. Main job was to complete the fence and finally have a secure boundary to plot62. Over the past week or so I'd completed digging a 1' deep trench round the boundary and mid week I'd hammered in the posts. I had a huge 50m roll of chicken wire and despite botching the first attempt where I rolled it all out rather than sections it did ok. Nailing the fence on was relativly easy but filling in the trench was back breaking. The sods I'd removed had been broken down by the rain and instantly crumbled when I tried to shovel them back. It took some doing but finally by early afternoon it was complete. The photo above shows the entrance to the plot and I also had chance to make a would-be gate from scrap wood. So all fenced in (or out depending on your point of view!) and its "safe" from rabbits. Lets get planting!!

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