Sunday 13 May 2007

Roots, roots and roots!

All secure and good to go it was time to transplant my carrots and parnsips that have been growing in the greenhouse for so long. I got them started weeks ago before I'd secured the plot so they were more than ready to be moved on. I'd tried out the paper pot method after understanding these root crops don't like being disturbed once set. The idea is that you transplant the whole lot and the paper degrades quickly once buried leaving the perfect root to fill out.

Rather than plant direct I decided to fork over the rows I would plant. This is the first time I'd dug this area of soil since the rotovator and was really pleased to see so few roots. I know its early days but it really looks like the roots that were there have now perished rather than growing again. Great news.

I laid twine to mark the rows - string in a tin very handy indeed! - and used a dibber to sort the holes. Before long I'd planted two rows each of carrot, parsnip, white onion and red onion plus a single row of beetroot. Sadly the onion sets were very poor because I'd had them so long. Still this is a learning year and I'm sure something will come.

So thats it. The first quarter of my crops sown and growing. I went for a carrotfly resistant seed so I'm not going to bother with the barrier method. Time will tell if this is the right decsion. So feet up now and more rain is coming to water it in (again)! Also rumour of new neighbours in plot 61 so we'll have to see if anything develops there.....

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