Friday 20 July 2007

The first real harvest

Here is the harvest I took from the plot last night. Every time I'm there I can't get over how big the courgettes have grown. These two were no bigger than sausages only four days before they were cut! Its incredible. I was hoping for whopper pumpkins but now I'm in two minds to let one of these grow to be a whopper courgette...or does that make it a marrow? Are they the same thing, I really don't know?!
I've also got a very nice bunch of globe radish, which I ate for my lunch the day after, and also a few potatoes. The haulmes were looking poor on a few so I dug them to see how they were. I'm a bit disappointed with the volume - three from one plant four from another - and was expecting a lot lot more. Still I guess it is early days and they should be left a few more weeks yet.
More posts to come and now I've found my camera more pics. The weather is so bad today. Torrential rain for hours and I'm hoping the plot doesn't flood.

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