Tuesday 24 July 2007

Flooded plot

Well maybe its not so bad. Today I got down to the plot on a fantastic evening. The sun was shining and it was a very nice evening. I stopped my bike at the start of the flood water and waded through towards my plot. Suprisingly the water never got above my knees and looking at the debris I'd say it never got higher than waist deep. A lot of water has already gone and is steadily flowing out of the site. However, the fields upstream are replacing the water so its going to take a few days before it recovers. Here are a few photos:

The entrance to the allotments
Plot 62! The wood for compost bins and my water barrels have been contained by the mesh fence. The water is just over a foot deep.

What could have been a whopper - now a bit soggy and mushy :(

Reverse view of the plot. The tips opf plants are parsnips and potatoes.

Beetroot and carrots well submerged.

The scrapheap barrow is still here :)

View of other plots in the middle of the site

All isn't lost! I harvested a rucksack full of goodies including potatoes, carrots, a parsnip, a beetroot and two onions. Its all in really condition and hasn't started to rot. There's no denying its home grown - knobbly potatoes and wonky roots!

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